Skola Toys| Bloggers Meet | Vivanta by Taj | Bangalore |

“Play is the highest form of research”- Albert Einstein

Standing by that very protocol, “Skola Toys” has integrated learning through playing in their toys. I was, privileged to be a part of the bloggers meet, that was held in “Vivanta by Taj” for all of us to understand the depth of thinking that was incorporated in the toys.

About Skola Toys :

Skola Toys is India’s first range of toys designed with learning at its core. Made for children between 2 years & 7 years, Skola Toys’ design principles have been scientifically backed by child psychologists, child experts & educationists including Montessori teachers. Founded by Mridula Shridhar, VK Manikandan & Nitish Agrawal, Skola Toys was set up to fill the void that existed in the Early Learning & Learning Toy category for intelligently designed toys. Skola Toys help children pick up crucial skills in areas like Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, Social Science, Science, Cognition & Creativity.

What Material are the Skola Toys Made Up Of?

Skola Toys, are pure wooden toys which encourage children to play more. Children very easily differentiate between low quality & high quality material. They are also very attuned to accepting natural materials, like Jute, Wood, Stone, Clay,etc. Therefore, Skola Toys are natural and much appreciated by kids.

About Skola Toys Bloggers Meet :

We were seated in our respective places, with anticipation of what innovative strategies would be unfolding for us as parents to experience. The Meet had Parent Bloggers, Toy shop owners & School teachers congregate for the interactive session.

The topic of discussion was ” Touch vs. Touch & Feel” As we all know, technology has us in the deep throes of its clutches. We are in one way or the other reliant on it, for our lives to function. In this reliance, we also expose our young ones to it, thereby creating a generation of “techno geeks” and take for granted the cognitive functions of seeing, feeling & deciding for granted.

So, we were given little tasks, which had us engaged for sometime. Something as simple as “feeling the alphabets blindfolded and deciding which one it was”, “putting up a puzzle”, etc and boy! was it fun. The exercises that we did were a way, for us to realise how much more fun a physical activity is as compared to a “tap tap tap” activity.

Verdict : All in all, a very informative meet, by which it’s clear to me that, children don’t only need technology to help them grow and bloom their innate skills, but also the need of smart toys which help their skill set.

3 thoughts on “Skola Toys| Bloggers Meet | Vivanta by Taj | Bangalore |

    1. Hello! Thank you for stopping by. Usually, you will be informed by the ppl themselves. Such as this meet, I was approached by the brand itself.

      But there are other meets, wherein you need to register for. Do you reside in Bangalore?

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